Is one of your new year’s resolutions to be more organised? To be a better, more thoughtful friend? Well, I’m not saying that sending a hand written card is the best or only way of doing those things. But I am saying that sending a hand written card certainly wouldn’t go amiss. I mean, you’re never going to be sorry that you wished someone a happy birthday, or sent a card to tell them you missed them, or to thank them for their Christmas present. Particularly now so many people are working from home, you might find you suddenly need a card, and you want to send it today, and the choice at the corner shop isn’t quite what you had in mind…
The good news is that I am here to help you. Of course you can get my cards one by one, as you need them, and I’ll happily post them off to you in separate orders. But wouldn’t it be better to have a small stack of them, and keep them in a drawer so that when you want to send a card, you have one right there where you need it? My multi-pack could be just what you need.
It includes:
2 x ‘happy birthday’ cards (the workhorse of my card collection, and easily the best seller. Brightly coloured and beautiful enough for your best friend but not so outlandish you couldn’t send it to your grandma. The little black dress of your card drawer.)
1 ‘just to say’
1 ‘congratulations’
1 ‘thank you so much’
1 ‘hello you’
1 postcard which reads ‘thankyou! What a star you are’
In a world where even our text message inboxes are increasingly full of promotions, ‘do not reply’ messages and requests for feedback on the call you just made, a hand written card delivered through the post might be more appreciated and more important than ever. This multi-pack of 6 cards and one postcard will see you ready for a whole variety of different occasions. ‘Just to say’ and ‘hello you’ could literally be used for any message, whereas ‘congratulations’ can be used to send your good wishes on an engagement, marriage, exam results, driving test, new baby, degree, or any other achievement.
And by buying 6 cards together you’re saving money too. Normally the cards would sell for £3.50 each, so the 6 cards would be £21.00 but if you buy this pack you only pay £15 and you get a free postcard.
My rainbow calligraphy multi-pack of cards is available on my Etsy shop here. You can also buy my rainbow lettering cards individually, along with matching wrapping paper and a whole host of other goodies.
I am currently adding to my cards range, with some additional Valentine’s day cards, and a ‘happy anniversary card’. If there is another occasion or phrase that I don’t currently offer but that you would like, do get in touch! You can email me on, or find me on instagram @rectripp and leave a comment there. I can also do commissions where I hand paint a phrase or name of your choice - email me and we can discuss.